The West High Alumni Association (WHAA) is now accepting nominations for the 2019 West High Alumni Awards. The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, Mar. 22 at 5 p.m.

Established in 1993, the West High Alumni Awards honor alumni and individuals in the community for their outstanding contributions to their professional fields, dedication to volunteer endeavors and for their ongoing support of West High School. The awards celebrate those who have made an impact across their careers and highlight accomplishments of West High alumni who have made an impact in their community and beyond.

A panel of West High alumni will review the nominations prior to final selection by the West High Alumni Association Board of Directors. One winner per category will be awarded.


Following the final selection of the awardees, the WHAA will present the awards during Homecoming Week, which will take place in Fall 2019.

Categories in which nominations are welcome include:

  • Alumni of the Year: The Alumni of the Year Award is given annually to alumni who have made exceptional contributions in their professional fields, civic service or service in the advancement of the West High community.
  • Panther in the Community: This award is given annually to alumni who have established a sustained pattern of service/volunteerism in public, nonprofit, education, arts, social justice or similar sectors.
  • Honorary Alumni: This award is presented to those who did not attend or graduate West High School, but who have provided exceptional service to West High School or the West High community.
  • Young Alumni Award: The Young Alumni Award is presented annually to alumni who are 30 years of age or younger and have already shown a commitment to making an impact in their community or professional field.
  • Athletics Hall of Fame: The Athletics Hall of Fame Award is presented annually to alumni who have made an outstanding contribution as an athlete while a student at West High School or has made an exceptional accomplishment in collegiate, professional or other athletics since high school graduation.

Nominees should have demonstrated a significant impact based on the individual award criteria, which is available at

With the exception of the Honorary Alumni Award, nominees must have obtained a degree from West High School or attended for enough time to establish a meaningful connection to the school community. Previous award recipients are not eligible for an award in the same category but may be nominated in a different category. For a list of full eligibility guidelines, please visit

Nominators must fill out the online nomination form, which is available online or for download at Nominators are not required to be West High alumni.

Each nomination must include a completed nomination form and a letter of nomination from the nominator submitted or postmarked no later than Friday, Mar. 22 at 5p.m. Supplementary materials, including but not limited to a biographical summary and letters of support, are encouraged.

Nominations may be submitted online, emailed to, or mailed to:

West High Alumni Association, attn. Alumni Awards
rm 215, 241 N. 300 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84103

For additional information and for a list of previous winners, please visit Questions may be directed to WHAA Communications and Development Chair Kelsey Price at or 801.718.6095.