WHAA Board members Anna Pardee, James Lunn, Bryce Williams, Kelsey Price, Emily Berry and Joseph Arrington with West Alumni Union Scholarship recipients Matt Long and Ernesto Robles
Hello Panthers,
2019 has marked a significant year for the West High Alumni Association. Many founding members and key players of our board have gone on to other adventures, but the work of the association must continue.
The association has spent the 2018-2019 school year focusing on the main objectives which are development, alumni engagement and operations of the association. We hope with the focus on these three areas that we can continue our mission of providing scholarships for graduating West seniors and keeping the rich history of West High School alive.
Along the lines of improving alumni engagement, the West High Alumni Association is looking for new board members and volunteers. Do you have some time to give or want to get more involved with your alma mater? Please fill out our interest form at westalumni.org/donate/volunteer.
Whether it is reviewing scholarship applications or helping us sell merchandise at games, we would love to have your help. If you are interested in filling one of our open board spots, feel free to email me directly at [email protected]. I would love to speak with you about we are looking for in a board member and the work we do.
As you may know, the cost of education and college tuition is ever rising. Since the founding of the WHAA, we have awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships to graduating West seniors, but we cannot do it alone. Please consider making a financial contribution to our scholarship fund at westalumni.org/donate. Any amount given will help a student progress to their higher education goals. Honor the past, by funding the future!
Once a Panther, Always a Panther,
Bryce Williams (‘05)
WHAA President