At the monthly West High Alumni Association (WHAA) board of directors meeting on Nov. 13, the election of new officers for 2019 took place.

New officers are Bryce Williams (‘05), president; Jennifer Moench Kartchner (‘90), first vice president; Emily Berry (‘05), second vice president; Joseph Arrington (‘05), secretary; and David Worthen (’60), treasurer.

Previous officers were Don Johnson (’62), president; Jennifer Moench Kartchner (‘90), first vice president; Bryce Williams (‘05), second vice president; Christine Whitehead Lavulo (’91), secretary; and David Worthen (’60), treasurer.

The WHAA would like to extend a special thank you to Don Johnson for his service as president over the past few years. He is retiring from the board at the end of 2018. The new board officers will assume their duties on January 1, 2019.

WHAA board meetings are open to all West High alumni and take place on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Linda Hale Alumni Room at West High School. The next board meeting will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 7 p.m.

Additionally, there are several open positions on the board of directors. If interested in learning more about sitting on the WHAA board of directors, please email the WHAA at [email protected].