Thank you to our 2019-2020 Alumni Association Donors
President's Club
$1,000 or more
The Alumni Association greatly appreciates the generous contributions to our President’s Club. This level of donation is the primary source for awarding our scholarships to deserving students.
BC Strategic Solutions
Red Iguana
Marv Hendrickson
Grant and Susan Cannon
Four-Ten LLC
Cameron Soelberg
Michael Stephens
Linda Hale
Rich Hallstrom
Lewis A. Kinglsey
Richard Namelka
Brent L. Nielson
Jennifer Peterson
David Streiff
A. Ray Olpin Union
Jane Watterson
WHS Class of 1968
David and Connie Worthen
Red & Black Club
The Alumni Association appreciates the contributions to our Red and Black Club. This money plays a critical role in supporting our scholarship fund and helps deserving West High students, who may otherwise not have the necessary means to attend college.
Donna W. Allan
Peter B. Bkorklund
Ralph and Judy Burton
George Dillon
Thomas Endo
Ella Kay Evans
Jerry Fenstermaker
Brian and Jerry Freckleton
Linda and Frank Garner
Leo William Goates
Richard Holmes
Archie Nakaoka
J. Phillips
Larry and Kathy Redmond
Jay Phillips
Joan Howard
Gaylyn Larsen
Joan Howard
Frank Kramer
Dan and Sue Lewon
Donald McKean
Dennis and Linda McKone
Leonidas Mecham
Leone Medley
Kazuka Terasawa
Haruko Moriyasu
Val and Pamela Morris
John J. Muldering
Peg and Tim Newman
Martha Freeman Pasker
Errol Remington
Rose Park Lions
Wanye Saltzgiver
Glenda Seelos
Rosemary White
Ernest and Inez Wilson
Bryan and Whitney Yost
Bryce Williams
Connie Jean Larsen
Larry Stephenson
John Muldering
Don Johnson
Harold Welling
Sylvia Mattena
Dan Maldanado
Dale Nelson
Charles Crosby
Rose Park Community Council
The Alumni Association encourages and invites all graduates and families to make a contribution to our scholarship fund. Those who contribute any amount of support and maintain a lasting legacy. They help send a West High graduate to college. Remember all contributions are tax deductible.
Joseph Arrington
David Ashton
Robert Askerlund
Bob Beaudoin
Earl J. Bone
Phillip Buren
Gary Brewer
Lonny Burton
Betty Calder
Eugene Campbell
Stewart Cannon
Ron Carlson
Howard Case
Roberta Christensen
Jonathan Clark
Donald Coburn
Karen Derrick
Richard Doi
Louis Dunham
Jack Eichers
Kim Eichers
Geneal Fritzche
Jim and Ann Gray
Roy L. Grover
Dennis Gunn Construction
Mark and Mildred Hafey
Verla Hagen
Anna Hatten-Rowsey
Carol Hendrickson
Charlotte Huefner
Paul and Danelle Jensen
James O Johnson
Steve Haslam
Michael Juenger
Larry Kershaw
Kathy Kershaw
Ken and Pat Marowksi
Marjorie Mele
Frank and Alice Miller
Kiyoshi Nishikawa
Nadine Osgood
A. Papachristos
Bill Rekounitois
Stephen and Carolyn Roll
Linda Sagura
Shirley Sheppard
Susan Smart
Melvin Fisher
Darryl L. Saxton
Mary O Thiltges
Sandra Underwood
Patricia B Vanleeuwen
June Koda Yoshimi
Blane Raddon
Jennifer Nicholas
Amy Roll
Krista Bergeron
Mitch Towner
Leigh Neumayer
Rodger Young
Paul Iwasaka
Robert and Pat Barnes
Florence Farnsworth
Suzanne Miller
David Peterson
Michael Smith
Marilyn Moyes
Kelsey Price
Floyd Smart
Poplar Grove Community Council
Elanor Kobayashi
Make a Gift to the WHAA
Help us make a difference in the lives of West High graduating seniors. All donations to the WHAA are tax deductible. To make a donation by mail, please send a check to:
West High Alumni Association
241 N. 300 West, Room 215
Salt Lake City, UT 84103