Class Reunions

1953 (65 Year reunion)

September 14, 2018. 

West High Commons 6:30 – 8:30 pm Casual Dress

Plan to pay at door $15 for each person attending.

6:30 Greeting and social hour.  7:00 delicious catered supper served. Program then Closing Remarks by Emanuel(Manny)Floor.

For Reservations or more information please contact:

Pat Haslam Toone [email protected] 801-355-8097 or Cornelia Jonnson Wilson [email protected] 801-489-1313

All reservations need to be in by August 29th.

1958 (60 year reunion)

September 8, 2018

Contact: Bob or Ella Matthiesen 801 272-3072, [email protected] 

                Carol Kandt Farr 801 560-4457, [email protected]

1963 (55 year reunion)

Has already happened on September 9, 2017

1968 (50 Year reunion)

August 10, 2018. 

Millcreek Inn, 5802 East Millcreek Canyou Road, SLC UT, 6pm.  Cost is $55 per person before July 24th after July 24th cost will be $60 per person.

Contact: Sharon Peake at 801-647-4286 or email [email protected]

               Mickie at 801-915-5053

Theme is “Be True To Your School”

1969 (50 Year Reunion)

Will be in 2019.

contact Lynda Baldwin at [email protected] for more info

1973 (45 Year reunion)

September 29, 2018

Tucanos 162 S 400 W, SLC 84101 6:30 pm.

Pre-Payment is required.

Contact: Debbie Carlson at [email protected] for more information.


1978 (40 year reunion)

Contact Dani Murakami at [email protected] for info

1983 (35 year reunion)

Contact Brad Auger at [email protected]

1988 (30 year reunion)

Happened on June 13th, 2018

Contact Saranya Whiting at [email protected] for future reunion info.

1993 (25 year reunion)

No info available

1998 (20 year reunion)

Saturday August 4, 2018

More info on the class Facebook page

Contact Fang Zhou at [email protected]

2003 (15 year reunion)

No info available

2008 (10 year reunion)

Contact: Jessica Sandstrom Freeman 801-915-2032

2013 (5 year reunion)

No info available

Reunion information should be submitted one and a half years out from your desired date in order for the alumni newsletter to advertise before the event happens. The newsletter is usually received by our Alumni in Aug. so any reunions that are held before Aug. will only reflect that the reunion had happened


Do you know any West High Alumni who are deserving of recognition? The WHAA is eager to publicize the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of West High Alumni and we need your help. Please nominate someone for one of the following recognitions:

  • West High Alumni Association Hall of Fame

  • West High Alumni Association Athletic Hall of Fame

  • West High Alumni Association Alumnus of the Year

  • Outstanding Panther in the Community

  • President’s Award

  • Honorary Alumni

Please follow these instructions regarding how to nominate someone for any of these great honors!

Panther Pride Club

The West High Alumni Association (WHAA) is in the process of forming an extension to our Association called “THE PANTHER PRIDE”. The Pride shall be formed with one or two members from each graduated class. A WHAA board member, who will report to the board the activities of the “Pride”, will chair the “Panther Pride”. All alumni and Pride members are invited to attend monthly board meetings held on the second Thursday of each month at West High School in the Alumni Room (108) at 7:00p.m. Your input is needed and appreciated. 

Benefits to each Graduated Class:

•  Access to your class list that is in the WHAA database. This database is updated yearly with information received from several sources. The most important would be your newly updated class list following your most recent reunion.

•  Use of WHAA accessories such as videos, red tablecloths and panther table centerpieces. The WHAA requires a small refundable deposit to ensure the return of these items.

•  Use of the WHAA website to notify classmates of an upcoming event such as a class reunion.

•  Ideas in planning events such as arranging a golf tournament, hotels and use of West High School facilities.

Benefits to the WHAA:

•  An updated mailing list of all your classmates following your most recent reunion. This list will be used to update the WHAA master database and will then contribute to a more complete mailing of our “Panther Print” newsletter.

•  Support for our scholarship fund, which would include a donation in the name of the graduated class (i.e. CLASS OF ’48). These scholarships would be used to provide an education to deserving West High students.

•  Support for the WHAA mission statement, which is: “to promote the interest and welfare of West High School, its students, alumni, faculty and staff. Our program is intended to help preserve the heritage, foster a positive image and honor alumni who have gone on to make West High School and its community proud. A major part of our program is to provide scholarships for the further education of deserving, graduating seniors” 

The WHAA is actively pursuing volunteers from graduated class reunion committee members to participate in our “Panther Pride”. Please contact: Vicky Robinson (’82), Alumni Liaison to West High School, [email protected].

Once a Panther..Always a Panther.With “Pride”